Guru kripa nasha mukti kendra offers a variety of facilities for addicts/alcoholics in various stages of drug/alcohol dependency.
1. Counseling centers
a. A person with addiction problem is referred to this centre by friends, family, relatives, doctors etc. Some approach directly, on their own.
b. The specific problem is identified.
c. Then follows the counseling and preparation for treatment as well as the assessing of motivation.
d. Simultaneously there are counseling sessions conducted for the family of the patient.
e. Finally, counseling and therapy sessions for follow-up are charted out for extended care services.
2. Day Care Centre
Here, in a structured drug free atmosphere, patients are provided the required treatment and their families are provided with counseling.
3. Aftercare Centre:
For chronic and long term drug addicts suffering from
* Personality damage
* Behavioural problems
* Lack of adequate family support